Thursday, October 23, 2008

Reunited, And It Feels So Good

I finally caught up with society and joined Facebook earlier this month. I have enjoyed reuniting with so many friends from back in the day and have been surprised by the flood of memories buried deep that haven't been reflected on for quite some time. These memories are a reminder of the joys, laughter and even some sorrows that molded my inner voice of today. I am humbled as I remember the girl of my yesterday and smile as I remember her fears, her confidence, her defeats and her accomplishments. I am proud of how the girl has become a woman and appreciate that even through the stumbles we call growth, she still holds the confidence and yet also the fears as she did so long ago. The reflection of how the past defined the path to today opens up the possibilities for tomorrow. Take a moment to remember, reunite with others and reflect on your inner voice and see what new possibilities exist for you.

Energy - Missouri Clean Energy Initiative
For you Missourians out there, you have the opportunity to shape the future of energy growth on November 4th. The Clean Energy Initiative requires Missouri investor-owned electric utilities (Ameren, Empire, Aquila, and KCP&L) to get 15% of their electricity from renewable sources by 2021. The Clean Energy Initiative defines renewables as clean sources of energy like wind, solar, landfill gas, biomass, and small hydroelectric projects. Often this policy is called a Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) and it has been passed in 26 other states (sorry Kansas you have some catching up to do). If you are fed up with negative politics and trying to find a reason to show up and vote on November 4th, please consider this initiative as your motivation. It is supported by over 100 Missouri current and former elected officials and community leaders and I have yet to find any negative press or concerns associated to the effort. Please support this initiaitve by providing your YES vote on November 4th. You can read more details at

As a follow-up to my entry last week, I had the honor of judging a high school debate at Blue Springs South High School this past weekend. I was assigned to the public forum debates and listened to our leaders of tomorrow argue pro's and con's of growing nuclear energy effort in the US. The public forum venue is different than policy cross-ex debate as it flows more like a Sunday morning roundtable t.v. show with two teams (two members each) making their points, questioning those points and ending with a grand cross-fire where all four members discuss/argue at the same time. It was a blast to watch but I'm not going to lie, it was very hard to keep up from a judging perspective. At the end of the day, I was blown away by the intelligence, research skills, communication abilities and out right passion that these students exemplified during the debate. We hear so much negative of our youth but let me tell you, I was more impressed with these leaders of tomorrow than I am with many of our so called leaders of today. If you have some extra weekend time, check out when a high school debate is scheduled in your area and volunteer to serve as a judge. Judges are always needed, the schools give detailed instructions and you might be surprised how much fun you have while you learn something new.

Career Front I love negotiations, let me count thy ways. I continued discussions this past week with the Ireland company and experienced the highs and lows of negotiation. They are evaluating a permanent offer situation for me but at the moment it looks like the consultation opportunity has come to a dead end as we couldn't come to an agreement on a competitive rate. They are fabulous people with tremendous potential and I wish them all the best. I received a permanent offer from a local engineering firm and am patiently waiting as they work with HR to deliver a compensation package. I continue to evaluate consulting opportunities as they arise, in fact I spoke with a New York business owner late last week who presented a unique possibility where I might be able to help him create a new media/entertainment powerhouse. I am meeting with one of my LightThread partners today to review his business plan and design an offer to become involved. Excitement in the air!

Another busy week in the Qualls household with a big addition in the driveway...we purchased a 97 Eclipse for Zach who should have his official driver's license within days. He is very excited and proud of his "new" car and we are excited to have one more taxi driver in the family. This is another moment that makes you pause and reflect...remember being 16, getting your first car and taking that first drive without mom and dad? The feeling of empowerment and independence, it was as if nothing could stop you. We want Zach to embrace this new step in life and encourage him to be responsibile by reminding him, it only takes one mistake to change your life FOREVER so think before you act and PAY ATTENTION!! He probably doesn't know it, but I am reminding myself of this life lesson just as much as I am reminding him.

Thanks again for stopping by and checking in on what's new with LJ Landing. As always, feel free to leave a comment or send me an email at if you want to further discuss any of the items mentioned above. Have a great week!

Be who you are and learn to be better,


Anonymous said...


One of the things I like about getting to know you is that, though I don't really know you very well, I, at least, think I do.

In my view, one of your biggest strengths is how self-aware you are and how you've can see how all the mistakes and successes of your past has formed the Lisa of today.

Dostoevsky has a great quote:

"It was not only that I could not become spiteful, I did not know how to become anything; neither spiteful nor kind, neither a rascal nor an honest man, neither a hero nor an insect. Now, I am living out my life in my corner, taunting myself with the spiteful and useless consolation that an intelligent man cannot become anything seriously,

and it is only the fool who becomes anything."

A fool indeed. Someone who is foolish enough to shoot for the stars become someone they couldn't have even dreamed about as children. Thanks for being brave enough to be foolish and open yourself up as you have.

Garry said...

I have to concur with your comments reference HS Debate. As my daughter is the 9th overall ranked debate student in KS (go Briahnna!), I have had quite a few opportunities to judge the various debates over the past few years. I have to say that, although I considered myself fairly well read on the topics, I have learned quite a bit from these kids on energy, conditioned aid, and federal aid programs overall.

Glad I found your blog. "Ctrl+D"-ing it now.

Lisa Qualls said...

Thank you Banky for the kind words! Thank you Garry for dropping in and hope you stop by again soon. :)
