Sunday, March 15, 2009

40-Day Series: Thank You Craig Cowden

Craig was a big bad director when I met him back in 2003 in Reston, VA. He ran the managed services network team and was kind of an intimidating character. He knew what he wanted and he didn't waste time letting you know if you weren't meeting his expectation. I wasn't sure what to think of him at the time but had a feeling he was a guy that was going places.

Fast forward to 2007 and I would have the opportunity to work with Craig again in a new capacity. I was responsible for coordinating executive staff which Craig had become since the last time we worked together. I began to get to know him much better this second time around and realized he wasn't intimidating...he was just incredibly passionate and sincere about making the business as efficient and effective as possible. He would ask insightful questions, challenge the status quo and wouldn't back down until he got an acceptable answer. This was somewhat uncommon and would make some uncomfortable but that wouldn't stop him as he was determined to help the team evaluate all the facts and assumptions.

Craig would become a mentor to me. He took time out of his very busy and demanding schedule to meet with me monthly. He was open, honest and willing to answer any question I had. He taught me the important lesson that first and foremost you must be yourself at the table and not be afraid to have your voice be heard. He encouraged me to be confident without apology or compromise. He inspired me to reach for more and I appreciate the time he took in doing so.

Golden Nugget: Ask the tough questions and have your voice be heard

Be who you are and learn to be better,

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