Monday, March 9, 2009

40-Day Series: Thank You Linda Sherlock

The pressure of a big time customer pitch can be pretty intense when it is your first time. I remember the night before a $60M pitch to NASDAQ like it was yesterday. We had executives in town and conducted a presentation walk-through to ensure everyone was comfortable with their part. As we got about half-way done it became clear our story was not clear and there was much work to be done with the presentation. We had a delayed start with the rehearsal so by the time we were done and could start the editing it was already pretty late in to the evening. It looked like it was going to be an all-nighter.

Thank God I had Linda Sherlock by my side. The executives left to get their beauty sleep and the rest of the account team assumed Linda and I were good to go with the "edits." Linda and I were on the same page that the presentation needed a lot more than "edits" and basically needed an entire re-write. We weren't sure where to start so we ordered a bottle of wine and began with slide 1. We would proceed to restructure the entire presentation and finally wrapped up about 5 a.m. with a wake-up call scheduled for 7 a.m.

I can't imagine what I would have done that night without Linda. She was amazing, brilliant, patient and knew when to let us take moment to laugh and decompress. Her strategic insight was critical in weaving a compelling story. The lack of sleep paid off as NASDAQ called the pitch a "homerun" with several members following us out to our car to tell us how well we did. Her experience with big-time accounts would be invaluable to me beyond that one night and had a huge impact on my custom sales success. She taught me how to build a narrative that customers wanted to hear and would find valuable. She also taught me that you do whatever it takes to impress a customer (even if it means little to no sleep), that the story is everything and when your not sure what to do next that a bottle of wine can bring clarity.

Golden Nugget: If it isn't good do what you have to do to fix it and make it great.

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