Monday, March 30, 2009

40-Day Series: Thank You Francine Ray can't help but smile when you think about Francine. She always had a kind word, displayed sincere care and I don't think I ever saw her without a smile. Come to think of it, I don't recall ever hearing her say "no" either. If you had a volunteer request, Francine would raise her hand. Need a presentation edited? She was your copy editor. Print jobs, copies, hugs, or your sanity checked? Francine was there.

I can't begin to tell you all the times Francine helped me out of a last minute jam, plan a big event or manage an executive issue. As if that wasn't enough, she had a full-time job directly supporting a vice-president and the hundreds of employees within the organization. You could rely on her 100% as she always delivered on her commitments while paying attention to those details that most would overlook. She would happily accept any task no matter the size or visibility. In a big corporation where many people only wanted to work on something that had executive visibility, Francine was a breath of fresh air helping with what needed to get done vs. what was "cool" or "strategic."

Not only did she help me but she helped countless others throughout the entire company and in her community. She taught me the value in taking care of the details. She also helped me realize that much of the big problems would have never gotten big if someone had taken care of the issue when it was just the "small stuff." Last but not least, she taught me the power of the smile. :)

Golden nugget: Keep the small stuff small by taking care of the details.

Be who you are and learn to be better,

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