Wednesday, April 8, 2009

40-Day Series: Thank You Tom Hoskins

A true gentleman. Have you ever had the opportunity to meet one? I not only had the pleasure to meet one but the honor to work with one side by side every day for almost 3 years. Tom Hoskins was a retired Air Force Colonel and Vietnam War veteran. I remember him telling me about one of his most exciting days when he was invited to fly in a Stealth plane...pretty cool huh? He had quite a few interesting stories and I loved to hear him tell them. I always learned something new and he never got irritated with all my questions (at least that I knew of, I'm sure he had to get tired of them from time to time :) )

Tom was always calm, cool and collected. I on the other hand was the opposite. He was my zen master. He could just give me a look and I knew it was time to take it down a level. We spent countless hours talking. We would talk about meetings, bosses, and colleagues and what we could learn from them. I know I learned something from just about every conversation I had with him.

Not only would we talk about work but also our families, friends and home life. He encouraged me to be a better mother and wife. He would push me to leave the office on time. He would remind me that children grow fast and you don't get a second time around to do it better. My only regret is I didn't heed his advice and wisdom as often I should have. My wish for have an opportunity to have a Tom Hoskins in your will make you a better person.

Golden Nugget: Family first

Be who you are and learn to be better,

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