Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Time is Here!

If you grew up in the midwest, there is a good chance you are a weather junkie like me, especially during this time of year. Tonight was our first significant weather event here in KC and for me it was the first time ever I integrated online viewing with my TV viewing. It was like a 360 degree theater of weather watching and it was awesome! Or like Jim Flink said on's like surround sound stereo! If you happen to be online while watching storm coverage on TV I thought you may find these sites interesting.

First is This site was mentioned multiple times during channel 9 coverage and happens to be ran by a friend of mine. They host a live chat during severe weather situations when Ed Roberts (Ed runs the site) is available, which is most of the time. Ed also posts daily podcasts that you may find helpful. Not only do you get some meteorology education, you also meet some pretty cool people in the room. I had a great discussion with the Yahoo sports writer from and ended up getting into a side discussion about the NFL draft, high school recruiting and appreciation for online communities. Fun stuff!

For those of you on twitter you can follow @kcweather to get live updates. For those of you not on twitter, you can simply go to and search on #kcstorms and you will see all live tweets that often have weather spotters providing live updates from around the metro area.

I know, I’m a super geek to be doing this kind of stuff on a Saturday night but my daughter had a softball tourney this weekend so was hanging at home. One more case you didn’t see the live tornado video on KMBC channel 9 it is a must see…a photojournalist and reporter got caught in the I-70 turnpike tornado and had to escape to a ditch…they got it all on video.

Spring is here in KC and I’m soooo happy!

Be who you are and learn to be better,

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